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Wind contributing to Arctic sea ice loss, study finds

"New research does not question climate change is also melting ice in the Arctic, but finds wind patterns explain steep decline"

Category: Climate Change


Climate change will overload humanitarian system, warns Oxfam (copy 1)

"Number of people affected by extreme weather has doubled in 30 years and is expected to reach 375 million a year by 2015" "Emergency organisations could be overwhelmed within seven years by the rising number of people in poor...

Category: Climate Change


Australia gripped by 'the Big Dry'

"Australia is in the grip of "the Big Dry", one of the worst droughts in a century. Major cities confront the major possibility of running out of water daily, and some are building desalination plants that draw from the sea. "

Category: Climate Change


Energy minister will hold summit to calm rising fears over peak oil

"Lord Hunt, the energy minister, is to meet industrialists in London tomorrow in a bid to calm mounting fears about the disruption that could follow a sudden shortage of oil supplies." "In a significant policy shift, the...

Category: Energy sources


How atom bomb tests could help detect wine fraud

"'Bomb pulse' in grapes harvested since atmospheric tests can be dated to within a year"

Category: Radiation

Displaying results 726 to 730 out of 2977